Good food, drinks, friends and ukulele!!!

Category: Soups (Page 3 of 3)

Comfort Food

As the week ends, information pills we start focusing on Thanksgiving, seek   the ultimate in comfort food.   While Mexican is my main food of choice, I would have to say I have a favorite from almost every region , from Ethiopian stews, Italian pastas, Japanese, Thai, Greek, German, Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches, Polish, New Zealand meat pies, Indian, anything curried and of course French, mmmm butter, mmmm cheese. But for most of us, what we grew up with is what truly makes a meal or dish comforting. This time of year though, it’s Thanksgiving.  Turkey, gravy, mashed potato’s, stuffing, cranberries,  green bean casserole and pie.  I’m getting full and sleepy already!!!  We always add new dishes and keep old favorites but it always ends up with friends and family enjoying a day and a meal together.  To me, that is the ultimate in comfort food.  Food for the soul.  I usually make two or three dishes to take with me and as usual I wait till the weekend before to decide what I am bringing.  Hopefully you have your game plan and can stick to it.  If not, don’t worry, in the immortal words of Hudson & Halls have another glass of wine and it will all work out.  Well, that may not be exactly what they said but I like to remember it that way.  In any case, I will be doing a bit of both.  So as you go into the wonderful day of tradition and new experiences remember to take comfort in all that is around you and eat all you can!

Mole, Ole!

I love Chicken Mole, order it is a staple in my house.  Growing up I always loved the smell of it, more about the cinnamon and chocolate, clinic the earthiness of it, I could eat it almost every day.   We never made it from scratch as that was considered way too much work.  Thankfully chefs have been able to shorten the normal 2-3 days it takes to make this chocolate, cinnamon goodness.  Unfortunately I have not done this, but one day I will conquer this mammoth task.  Until then I refer to my childhood version, or the closest I can come to it.  Being on the East Coast has made life a little more challenging to make my Mexican comfort foods but I have and continue to seek out the ingredients I need and the foods I crave.  Usually  I end up making it myself, like west coast Chorizo.  Here in NYC the Spanish version is popular.   It’s good but its a hard, almost salami like sausage, as apposed to the crumbly spicy sausage I am used to.   I grew using  a can of dry Mole spices that you add to stock, here on the east coast it’s a jar of paste.  I had seen it on the west coast when I lived there but always went for the dry can.   I usually add a little more cinnamon and a small amount of sugar, just to get it the way I like it.  I have also come to the conclusion that onions are key to helping get that sweetness that I remember.  Now I’m not big on super sweet Mole but there should be a hint of that sweetness in there.  Also a little heat is nice.  I find when I order it at restaurants they skip that part and I am usually disappointed.  So last night to continue with my comfort food week,  I made Chicken Mole!!!  I paired it with the beans I  made on Sunday along with some flour tortillas and had a great flashback to my childhood and the comforts good food can bring.

Mole, Ole!
Recipe type: Main dish
  • 1 Whole Chicken
  • 3 Quarts of Water
  • 1 Tablespoon of Salt
  • ½ Tablespoon of Pepper
  • 2 Medium Onions chopped- divided
  • 1 Clove of Garlic chopped
  • 1 Jar of Mole paste
  • ¼ teaspoon of sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Pinch of chile flakes(optional)
  1. In a large stock pot add chicken and water.
  2. Add one onion, garlic, salt and pepper
  3. Bring to boil and reduce heat to low/medium
  4. Simmer for about 20 minutes or till chicken is done
  5. Set chicken aside in colander in sink to cool
  6. Save broth
  7. When chicken is cooled off enough to handle, strip meat from bone, set aside
  8. Keep bones and skin for stock.
  9. Measure 4 cups of broth and save the rest
  10. Combine stock and mole paste in stock pot
  11. Simmer on low to medium heat till paste is dissolved(use whisk)
  12. Add sugar and cinnamon
  13. Add chicken and second onion
  14. Simmer for about 10 minutes or till onions are translucent
  15. consistency should be thick but not too thick.
  16. Serve immediately
You can omit the sugar and cinnamon if you want a less sweet sauce. You can add chile flakes if you want some heat. But be careful. Serve over rice with beans on the side. Don't forget the tortillas!!!


On a Sunday Afternoon

What did you do this last Sunday?  Jason went camping and I stayed at home to learn computer stuff.  Sounds boring doesn’t it?  Not really.  I expanded my brain with knowledge and did some, physician (a long time coming) slow cooking.  I made chicken stock and pinto bean soup.  It may not sound like much but both are long, but relatively easy tasks.  I had the makings for stock sitting in the freezer for way too long and finally had the time to make it.  There’s a reason most people buy their stock from a store.   That’s not to say I don’t like homemade stock, quite the opposite.  I love it!  But don’t always have the time to make it.  Another issue is I don’t cook mine as long as some people, or chefs, simply because I’m too impatient.  That’s probably why my stock is very strong and usually cloudy.   I did come across an article on how to make a quick chicken stock and can’t wait to try it.  I will let you know how it turns out.  If it’s as good as it looks then I may never buy chicken stock again!!!  Hahaha, not likely, but maybe I will make more at home.

Now, what did I do with that chicken stock you ask?  I made cauliflower soup!!!  I took six cups of stock, a couple ribs of celery, two carrot’s, a medium onion and a head of cauliflower chopped them up and put them on the stove to simmer for 20 minutes(after bringing it to a boil) and next thing you know lunch was served!

One of the other things I did  was make Pinto Bean Soup.  This is something I had learned from my grandparents.  It was my grandfathers favorite soup and my father’s least favorite.  I first got to taste this hearty goodness when we were living with my grandparents one winter when I was young.  I remember paying attention to how it was made but not really understanding what I was seeing.  It all happened so fast.   My biggest memory is that when it’s done you must add pepper and very finely minced onion.  Something my grandfather took pride in doing.  My father always said it was tasteless soup.  I beg to differ.  The earthiness of the beans and the cloudy stock made smokey from the bacon and the tender cooked onions melt in your mouth, while the fresh onions provide a nice crisp sweet freshness that is to me, pure heaven.  I don’t have the exact recipe just what my father told me as he finally made it one day, after months of begging.   He made it from memory and since he only made it once I had to learn quick.  It’s a very simple soup and there really is no measuring, which is probably where I get my cooking method from.   I’ve asked lots of friends and family about this soup and how they make it.  Everyone seems to make it mostly the same way, soak the beans overnight then rinse them, put back in the slow cooker and cook for several hours.  Some of the other ingredients people added were bacon, onions,  celery, carrots, garlic, a ham hawk or what ever there mother/grandmother use to use to get it just right.  My version is simple with bacon, onion and garlic.   I like to make a couple times so I have  it  on hand all winter for those long cold days and evenings.  Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.



Blood Soup


Usually this time of year I hit a few Halloween parties or at least a pumpkin carving party. Unfortunately I only made it to one this year and didn’t have time to make anything. Also our wonderful guest Hurricane Sandy payed a visit and literally put a damper on the festivities. So now it’s the day after Halloween and I am finally getting around to making my famous blood soup. This years will be a little different as I am adding yellow and orange carrots. I wanted to make it lighter and challenge myself to do something different. I went to the local farmers market and grabbed my supplies, a large red beet, a bunch of yellow carrots and a medium onion. I already had the orange carrots and chicken stock at home. Now as some of you know I don’t always measure what I’m making. Especially if it’s the first time. So if you want to make this you must be brave. Also it’s pretty easy if you can guesstimate while your cooking. Like I said a couple sentences ago, I used one large beet, peeled and chopped into small pieces, four medium to large yellow carrots also peeled, two regular size orange carrots, again peeled, plus one medium yellow onion. They are now sitting in around 6-7 cups of chicken stock waiting to boil, with salt and pepper for taste. I usually roast the veggies, especially the beets, but like I said I am trying something new. I also usually top it off with sour cream and pico de gallo, but tonight it will be chopped honey crisp apples. The veggies will simmer till soft, it should only take about 20-30 minutes. Then we will cool the soup off and then blend it. Now, if you are adventurous, try this one out and let us know what you think. Remember, all these measurements are approximate. If not then don’t worry, you can email us later and we will give you the measured out version as soon as we finalize it.

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