This is the first official post of House of As we all know starting something new is both exciting and terrifying. I have been tinkering and learning how to put this together for a couple months now. It has been fun and frustrating. There’s nothing like trying something new to make you feel equal parts dumb and smart. I am not the most tech savvy person so I had my days when nothing sunk in(aka hitting my head against a brick/blank wall) and others where it suddenly went pop, more about I get it! I’m still along way form being tech savvy, more about but at least now I understand the tech part, kinda. In other words, this is a work in progress. We have been posting our adventures on Facebook and some of these may look familiar. I wanted to put up pictures that were familiar and add a little story. There are many more to come so stay tuned!!!! I hope you’ll enjoy what we are doing and will participate. We strongly encourage comments, recipes and stories of adventures, maybe even a picture. This blog is designed for all to participate. So without further ado, I bring you…………….the House of Zeta!!!!!
Congrats! love the site and love you! Can’t wait to read more! I’ve added House of Zeta to my Google Reader and StumbleUpon.
Keep on writing!
Thank you. Love you too!! Adding some new features soon. Also, I would love a guest post from you!!!!
I’d love to guest post!
Love the site! Over the past few years even I have become quite the cook and baker. If you are ever looking for a post of “friends favorites” or something let me know. I’d love to contribute and help in anyway I can. Love you lady! Keep up the great work on this and it’s destined to become a success!
Love you,
– D